Taxonomy: f. Dilepididae
Animal: Dipylidium caninum 20.04.jpg
Various developmental stages of Dipylidium caninum with a host reaction in the haemocoele of C.felis felis reared at different temperatures and humidities - TEM. 67-69- Oncospheres with attached haemocytes or encapsulated in flea larvae reared at 25C/ 3 mmHg, 6 days post infection; 70. Degenerate body in a pupa reared at 25C/ 3 mmHg, 6 days post infection; 71. Developing metacestode with possibly infiltrating haemocyte in an adult flea reared at 25C/ 3 mmHg, 19 days post infection; 72. Degranulated flea haemocyte attached to a developing metacestode in a pupa reared ay 32C/ 3mmHg, 6 days post infection; 73. Secretory droplets and presumptive lysosomes near microvilli of a metacestode in an adult flea reared at 28C/ 3 mmHg for 11days and then 20C/3mmHg for 9 days; 74 Granular haemocytes lying against microvilli of 2 metacestodes in an adult flea reared at 20C/ 3 mmHg, 34 days post infection (ER - endoplasmic reticulum, GH- granular haemocytes, H- haemocytes, L- presumptive lysosome, M- metacestode, mi- microvilli, N- nucleus of haemocyte, o-oncosphere, oc- outer coat of oncosphere, oh- oncospheral hooks, pe- presumptive peroxisome, Rb- residual body, Se- secretions). Pugh RE 1985 PhD thesis - see bibliography

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